A downloadable game for Windows

(Leshy's Curse is a downloadable 15-30 minute narrative fighting game for Windows)


You wake up in a forest, one that you've known forever, and yet it is somehow unfamiliar...

You are Leshy, a protective spirit of a large forest near a thriving kingdom. One day, you wake up feeling like the whole world settled its weight on your shoulders... and that might just be the case.

Aided by your dear bird friend Stratim, you will traverse different areas of the forest, looking for some sort of explanation of why everything is out of control. On your way, you will meet some friends... and even more foes.


Leshy's Curse is a narrative side-scroller RPG about a disgraced forest god whose goal is to figure out what happened to rid him of his powers. The game is heavily based on dialogue and character interactions in a linear storyline.


This project was created by me as a Game Arts sophomore final project, in collaboration with Salem Alvarez (https://catacne.itch.io/)!


Assets used:
Environmental Asset Pack - Joshua Pearson 
Hovel - Atomicu3D Yughues 
Free Brushes - Nobiax/Yughues 
lowpoly medieval buildings - Szymon Lukaszuk 
Ruins Free - Ioan Stan 
Living Birds - dinopunch
Beholden (font) - amorphous

Below - Fossergrim
Dark Mystical Music Pack: Witchcraft - MakotoHiramatsu
Fossergrim III - Fossergrim 


Leshy's Curse.zip


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nice prototype